
The global scientific aims of the BioProMo axis concern the development of the knowledge, the conception and the mastery of bioprocesses for the production of various bioproducts in order to answer to the societal challenges related to health (biopharmaceutics, nutraceutics), environment (energy) and sustainable development (bioraffinery, bio-sourced production). The scientific strategy of this axis is based on experimental and modelling sciences in order to set up a multi-disciplinary and a multi-scale approach, i.e. micro, meso and macro-scale.
i) The studied micro-scales correspond to the molecular structures of bioproducts obtained by chemical synthesis, enzymatic or cellular routes (enzymatic catalysis, photodynamic therapy, engineered proteins, bioraffinery), the innovative biocatalysors (native or recombinant) and the intracellular metabolism (quantitative physiology).
ii) At the meso-scale, the local hydrodynamic and physio (bio)-chemical environment of the animal cells, and/or of the plantonic/filamentous microorganisms are studied. These meso-scale studies are necessary for the quantification of macroscopic kinetics of production.
iii) The macro-scale refers to the reactor and separator, membrane or chromatography. At such scale, the optimal conditions of functioning and of conduction of processes are determined using numerical approach, such as the multi-criteria optimization, adapted to the specificity of bioprocesses.
The research activities of the BioProMo axis, organised around two thematics developing experimental approach (bioprocesses engineering and processes engineering for bioseparation-functionality of molecules), are closely coupled to a transveral theme gathering the numerical development (multi-scale numerical engineering of bioprocesses).

Experimental Set-up

